Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Human resources Corporate culture Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Human resources Corporate culture - Assignment Example I have seen that the Theory X managers are usually very quick to reach conclusions and are usually wrong in their assumptions but this is not the case with the Theory Y managers who take their time to understand things and then decide for their own selves what the best course of action is (Papa, Daniels, & Spiker, 2008). As far as the assumptions of human nature and standards of behavior within the contexts of influencing organizational cultures are concerned, I have witnessed that the organizational culture is usually backed up with an understanding of the human natures which are spread across the domains of an organization. This also means that the standards of behavior bring about different influences within the making up of the organizational culture which is something very significant indeed. I have seen assumptions of human nature and standards of behavior being at the behest of bringing about significant changes in the course of the human resources management regimes in an org anization. This is because people react differently within varied scenarios and it is important to comprehend such circumstances. Human nature is something that shapes up the entire discussion of the organizational culture and it is about time that one comprehends the true implications of the same.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Effective Appraisal Methods Undertaken By Companies Commerce Essay

Effective Appraisal Methods Undertaken By Companies Commerce Essay With the increase of globalisation and new technologies of information and communication, businesses are facing more challenges than before. Furthermore, people are moving from their own country to relocate elsewhere. This give more difficulties to businesses to understand not only their customers, but also their workforces as they are coming from different part of the world and might have different way of thinking and acting. An organisation is a group of people working together in order to achieve the goals and objective that have been set. Therefore managing those people effectively and efficiency must be a company primary focus. This research is based on the type of performance appraisal that a company should be used in order to evaluate correctly its workforce. In order words, there are many different methods such as: 360 degree feedback systems, critical incidents, forced distribution, self-evaluation, essay evaluation, behavioural observation scales and management by objectives. These methods can be divided into two categories: past-oriented methods and future-oriented methods Statement of the problem Human Resource Management is the management of the human capital, workforce within an organisation. It has many functions which are: recruitment and selection, training and development, performance appraisals and employees promotion. M. Armstrong define it as: a strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organisations most values assets- the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of its objectives (G. Armstrong, 2006, P.3). As people make an organisation, it is important for managers to deal with their personnel enquiries effectively. Evaluate or conducting performance appraisal on employee is also very important and it is one of Human Resource Management functions. There are no standard performance evaluation methods; companies chose the method that satisfies their needs and requirement. A method is chosen according the nature and the culture of the business. Also it is important to say that each method have both advantages and disadvantages and must be analysed carefully before taken into practice. Aims and objectives of the study In order to carry out properly, accurately and normally this research, it is crucial and important to point out it aims and objectives. The research aims are: The first objective of this research is to underline the importance of performance appraisal within an organization. Why Human Resource Managers conduct or evaluate their employees. What is the reason why employees should be evaluated after a certain period of time? What is the main purpose of employee evaluation? Is employee performance related to his/her pay? Or is it because the company just want to know who is performing very well and who is not? Also has the business notice that performance appraisal lead to a kind of motivation factor for its workforce? Because some employees would like to be rewarded whenever they think they are doing a good job. The second objective of this research is to find out which performance appraisal method is undertaken by PEABODY and why have they chosen that particular method Thirdly, it is also essential to notice that performance appraisal do not only matter for the organization but also influence employees. Therefore whenever a company evaluate their employees how do they do it? Which evaluation process to do take to appraise them? Are employees getting feedback on their performance? Finally, what strategy is used by human resource manager for employees with good and poor performance appraisal? LITERATURE REVIEW According to G. Dessler, performance appraisal can be defined as: the process of evaluating an employees current and/or past performance relative to his or her performance standards. (G. Dessler, 2008, P.336). In other words, performance appraisal helps the management to identify and evaluate their employees strengths and weaknesses. As result of conducting performance appraisal by an organization, managers will be able to adopt the best suitable motivation method. For example: if an employee feedback is positive, managers should motivate or reward him because they want him to keep having good performance in the future. M. Foot C. Hook added: Managers conduct performance appraisal for variety of reason such as: improve current performance, identify training needs, to award salary increases, to increase motivation [] (M. Foot C. Hook, 2005 P.268). It can also be seen as a motivation factors when employees have the feedback on their appraisal. Managers should take different strategies with employees who have poor performance. For example they can b e sent for training and development. But before doing so, the Human resource manager should identify the reason why they have poor performance. Figure 2 explains the steps and procedures to follow when dealing with poor performance. (S. Gilmore S. William, 2009, P.247). Performance appraisal is directly link with employees training and development because when it has been conducted that an employer might be able to identify whether if their employees have to go for a training program or not. Additionally, some employees are paid depending on their performance especially those who work in the marketing department. Therefore, the company must carry out performance appraisal after a certain period of time. (G. Dessler, 2008, P.339). Furthermore, for a company to achieve their goals and objectives, each and every worker in the organization should achieve their own target. DIFFERENT TYPE OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL There many different types of performance appraisal such as 360 degree appraisal, forced distribution method, self-appraisal, rating scales method, critical incident method, ranking method, essay method and management by objective. 360-Degree Feedback Systems Armstrong stated: 360-degree feedback is also known as multi source assessment, is a process in which someones performance is assessed and feedback is given by number of people who may include their manager, subordinates, colleagues and customers (Armstrong, 2009, P.644). This assessment method is done by different persons in order to reduce or eliminate judgmental decision and bias. As an employee performance needs to be looked in a wider aspect, internal assessment done by managers only will not be as accurate as possible. This method is useful when appraising employees who work in call centres, receptionists and customer service. Where pass the majority of their working time dealing the customer enquiries. It is also a combination of different sources of performance appraisal information to create many different evaluator or 360-degree appraisal and feedback system. Jobs are multifaceted, and different people see different things. As the name implies, 360-Degree feedback is intended to provide employees with as accurate a view of their perf ormance. As all others methods of appraising workers performance, this method has both advantages and disadvantages. Advantages 360-degree feedback has many advantages such as: firstly, it looks at the employee performance from different point of view. It includes collecting multiple perspective of managers performance by allowing employees to compare their own personal evaluation with others people point of view. (R. Noe et al, 2003, P.388). Secondly, Armstrong argued that it increases awareness by senior management that they too have development needs. Sometimes managers and board director believe that they know everything and therefore do not need to be appraised on their performance. (Armstrong, 2009, P.646). This frequently happens in organization where autocratic management style is adopted which stipule that managers are always right employees should always follow without any suggestions. Finally, feedback receive are more reliable and objective, therefore adequate actions can be undertaken. (Armstrong, 2009, P.646) Disadvantages According to Armstrong, people are not always honest and therefore wrong analysis can be made by managers. Also, people mind can change time to time. J. Ivancevich added that: providing constructive feedback require a plan and well-trained rater. And this is not typically found in organization. (J. Ivancevich, 2007, P.260). However some has strategies to make sure that 360 work as effectively as possible. For instance: to encourage participation in its customer performance appraisal process, Xerox business services plant a tree for each customer who return a completed form. (Jackson et al, 2009 P. 334). The introduction of 360-degree feedback in place where pre-evaluation had not been conducted can be very dangerous. For instance: in place where there is low level of trust and high level of competition. When conducting your 360-degree, customers might not give their real opinion about an employee performance. Furthermore, this can also lead to an increase in bias. If an employee is assessed by customers who are friends and/or family, t hey might rate the employee according to their personal feeling rather than the employees performance. Another disadvantage of 360-degree feedback is that, it does involve too much bureaucracy as everyone will be asked to assess the particular employee. Therefore this may require lots of time. Additionally, conducted performance appraisal is not enough but taking effective decision after having performance appraisal result is very important. Lack of feedback may de-motivate employees to take another one next time. Moreover, they need to know what are their strengths and weakness. This is the reason why some companies conduct self-assessment method of performance appraisal. Forced Distribution G. Dessler says: The forced distribution method is similar to grading on a curve; predetermined percentages of rates are placed in various performance categories. (G. Dessler, 2008, P.345). Most of the time, companies divide it into three where there is the first category w here companys best employees are placed, then the second category where the second best in located and finally the last category where usually poor performance is found.(Jackson et al, 2009 P. 335). Those who fall in the first group are encouraged continuing with great performance with some options available. Employees in the second group category are also encouraged to increase their potentiality in order to reach the top first group and can get some bonuses or promotion relative to their performance. But those in the group are not given any kind of bonuses. This is where the management will look at the various reasons why there is poor performance and may decide whether training needs to be undertaken or not. Some managers will give a warning if poor performance continues and others may even be harsher and fired. Jackson et al added: In this method, the appraiser distributes employees across several categories of performance following a set rule about the distribution of rating that are permitted. (Jackson et al, P. 335) Self-Appraisal Self-appraisal method is the form of performance appraisal technique where employees appraise their own performance. Before adopting this method, HR manager should make sure that their employees understand their objectives and the criteria used for evaluation. (Mondy, 2008, P.251). This method prone the fact that only the employee is able to know what he/she does well and what he/she is lacking and need to be improved. J. Beardwell and T. Claydon added: self-assessment is the only way to give a complete picture of the performance of the employees and to avoid a criticise-defend scenario (J. Beardwell T. Claydon, 2007, P.512). Furthermore, this method require the employee to have a good knowledge of the job requirement and role so that he/she will easily identify the gap between what he is doing and what he is require to do. METHODOLOGY In order to carry out the aim of this project, it is essential to build a very good research methodology. This will include the framework that will be used in order to answer the question. Knowing what the different types of performance appraisal are, research methodology will elaborate all the different methods that will be used to collect as much information as possible relating to the topic Research Methods The aim of the project is to find out what performance appraisal method should be undertaken by company to evaluate with effectiveness and accuracy their workforce, therefore qualitative and quantitative research will be useful to conduct the project efficiently. Quantitative research is mostly used when question beginning by how many are often used. Quantitative analysis deals with the numbers and uses mathematical operations to investigate the properties of data. (N. Walliman, 2006, P.113). As compared to qualitative research, quantitative researches develop technique that produce quantitative data and which can be classified easily. Qualitative research on the other hand is a method which leads to the collection of qualitative data which are data that cannot be quantified. Qualitative research usually answer question such as: what do think about? What is your opinion about one particular product? Qualitative research deals with feeling, attitudes, opinions and ideas. It is very difficult to analyse as people might change mind or opinion time to time. J. Creswell added by saying that: qualitative research begins with assumptions. A worldview, the possible use of a theoretical lens, and the study of research problem inquiring into the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem. (J. Creswell, 2007, P.37) Data collection The data will be collected using many sources of data collection. Secondary data collection such as: books, magazine, articles and academic journals will be used to gather much information as far as performance appraisal is concerned. Although secondary data are often books and journals, it is important to note that this source also entails non-written materials such as: voice and video recordings, pictures, drawings, films and television programmes. (M. Saunders et al, 2007, P.248). Any kind of secondary materials on performance appraisal and human resource management related to the research question will be used for the project. Primary data collection such as: questionnaire, interviews and observation will be adopted to collect information. Those data are not available on books and are more reliable than secondary data. In order to collect primary data, questionnaire will be designed and given to one HR manager and two assistant at PEABODY. The questionnaire will carry some useful questions such as: are you conducting performance appraisal on your employees? What is the importance of doing it? Which performance appraisal method have you used or are you using at the moment? What are the reasons why that method was chosen? After appraising your employees do you give them feedback on their performance? What step or strategy do you adopt with poor performance and good performance employees? Interviews will also be done to some workers in order to have an overall picture of the topic. Data analysis Data will be analysed by looking at the findings from all those different sources of data collection. Primary data analysis will be compared to the literature review in order to know if what is written in the books is followed by organisations. Findings might be presented as graph, diagrams or charts. GANTT CHART Time Activities April May June July 15th 30th 15th 30th 15th 30th 15th Introduction Literature review Research Methodology Primary Data collection Data analysis Conclusion

Friday, October 25, 2019

In this essay, I intend to discuss the ways in which the poems Dulce :: English Literature

In this essay, I intend to discuss the ways in which the poems Dulce Et Decorum Est and Charge Of The Light Brigade represent war. I will discuss the themes of death, emotions, conditions and opinion. In Dulce Et, death is shown as horrific and that of terrible suffering. "His hanging face like a devil's sick of sin." This simile describes the way in which the poet Wilfred Owen saw the men suffering. He uses an effective method of a metaphor, 'Devil's sick of sin', and this metaphor shows just how horrible death is. When a devil is sick of sin, it is no longer a devil, this means that the man described is no longer a human. However, in the Charge, death is shown as quick and clean. This is shown in the quote "While horse and hero fell." Death is not described in the detail of Dulce Et, because the poet wants to show war as glorious and honourable, this could not be achieved if the poet talked about the horrible way in which the men die. The poet uses the word heroes because it shows the men as honourable and glorious, which is the intended message of the poem. In Dulce Et, death has no glory and the men have no sense of dignity. "The old lie: Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori." This quote shows that the statement 'that dying for ones own country' is a complete lie. Wilfred Owen does this to emphasise how horrible and undignified death really is. Owen wants to show that death has no glory and is undignified. The poet also uses Latin, because the reader will recognise the language used is old fashioned, this will then make the reader feel as though war is now old fashioned and pointless. He uses the contrast of two languages to show the difference of views in the two different time periods. In comparison, in the Charge, death is shown as honourable and glorious. "When can their glory fade?" This poem presents death as quick and without suffering, the poet says that the men who died for their country are glorious and should always be remembered. However, when both poems have been read, the reader sees war as even more futile because the men know that it is almost impossible to achieve victory against so many enemies, so they are in effect going in to the battle to die for no reason. However, the Charge's poet shows the men as honourable because they did not question the orders. Both poems show that death is not important. In Dulce Et, death is a

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Poems “Nettles” and Praise song for my mother” Essay

Explore how the parent child relationship is presented in â€Å"nettles† and â€Å"praise song for my mother† and comment on the feeling expressed in both poems Introduction Both â€Å"nettles† and â€Å"praise song for my mother† focus on parent child relationships. â€Å"nettles† is a poem that tells a story about a little boy who falls into some nettles, and â€Å"praise song for my mother† is a poem that displays love and praise for someone’s mother. However both poems show the feelings of both the parents and the children. The poem â€Å"nettles† is a very strait forward poem and its main focus lays on one incident, which tells the story of a young boy who falls into a bed of nettles and his dad protects him. However â€Å"praise song for my mother† is completely different it’s more general than strait forward and each verse lists another reason why she loves her mother. Also â€Å"praise song for my mother† includes lots of metaphor’s and word play where as â€Å"nettles† just tells the story how it is. Both â€Å"Nettles† and â€Å"Praise song for my mother† include lots of imagery. â€Å"Nettles† incorporates a theme of war and military the nettles that hurt the poet’s son are referred to as â€Å"green spears† and â€Å"that regiment of spite† this is strange as although nettles can cause irritation and sharp pain, they are not forceful like weapons used in war. The father finds it unbearable that his son has been hurt. Therefore he has a need to protect him and to prevent it from occurring again. The war imagery also suggests that the poet had been in the war or experienced what war was like. And in â€Å"Praise song for my mother† there is a consistent use of metaphor’s many of which include nature â€Å"you were the moons eye to me† and â€Å"you were sunrise to me† are just two of many used. In â€Å"praise song for my mother† the structure is very well noticed, the first stanza starts off with two s yllables on the first line â€Å"you were† then go on to use four syllables â€Å"sunrise to me†, then generally it goes to six or seven â€Å"deep and bold and fathoming†. And the first three stanzas are very similar in ways of structure they all use the same number of syllables and look very similar in the way that they appear. However the final section marks a break in the chain as it changes the structure pattern, â€Å"praise song for my mother† is very ambiguous and depending on which way you interpret it this could mean the daughter is moving away from childhood into adulthood. However in â€Å"nettles† it is very simple it has an easy rhyme scheme of AbAb, â€Å"bed, shed†Ã‚  and â€Å"tears, spears†. And is also written in iambic pentameter witch is a collection of two syllables one stressed and on unstressed. The poem â€Å"nettles† has 16 lines which is very similar to sonnet form, a sonnet has 14 lines. The language in â€Å"praise song for my mother† is very different from â€Å"nettles†. In â€Å"nettles† it is very simple and easy to understand although it probably has ambiguous meanings you can read it and understand it because it is simply telling a story. But in â€Å"praise song for my mother â€Å"is a lot different the context is a lot harder to understand and has several ambiguous meanings so you can interpret it different ways. It also is confusing as it includes made up words such as â€Å"mateling† witch make you think poems give the readers can be different for everyone , but for me I like the idea in â€Å"nettles† of the father wanting to protect his son as this shows love to his son. I also like â€Å"praise song for my mother† because it has many hidden ambiguous meanings so you can interpret it many ways I also like â€Å"praise song for my mother† because it isn’t just simple and easy to understand it has hidden meanings and made up words so you have to take it apart and analysis it which requires a lot of thinking. I like the imagery in both â€Å"†praise song for my mother† and â€Å"nettles† as it gives you a clear image of what the poets are thinking when writing the poem. However I prefer â€Å"nettles† to â€Å"praise song for my mother† because it requires less thinking it is simple and understandable at first glance.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Decision Support Systems

A decision support system (DSS) is a computer program which is developed with a specific purpose of analyzing business data and presenting it to users to enable them make business decisions easily. It is different with other applications because of its ability to analyze business data and it is therefore an informational application.It can therefore be used in analyzing sales figures within a given period, projecting revenue collections within a specific period of time among others.A decision support system has the ability to present information in a graphical manner for ease of understanding and it can also incorporate an expert system or artificial intelligence.A mathematical model is a Mathematical representation of some kind of reality which is used to find more details about it. Mathematical model can be used to find a solution to a decision problem and assist in planning, it can also be used to find a relationship among the input variables and establish the meaning of a particu lar set of data (Silver, 1991). Mathematical model can take the form of dynamic systems, differential equations, statistical models etc.This is a case study of Decision Support System called ACRPLAN which Bayer Cooperation installed to assists it with financial planning and budgeting. Some of the problems that the company was encountering during budgeting planning are slow budgeting process, difficulties in obtaining financial data to use in budgeting.This was a problem because all the company’s data were stored in various computers and obtaining them in all the company’s department was quite difficult. There was also inefficient in communication methods between the different departments of the company.There was no single person who could understand the whole company’s data from all the departments and present it to the budgeting personnel to assist with budgeting purposes. The company was also faced with another problem of generating several budgets hence creat ing redundant data during budget generation. These most of the redundant data occupied the company’s resources and were never used.The management of the company was also faced with another problem of lack of sufficient data for decision making. The budgeting process was tedious and time consuming so the managers had to wait for all the company’s data to be gathered and the budget be drawn.The company was previously using excel worksheets which required manual input of data and this process increased the company’s budgeting costs since it had to hire data entry clerks to enter data to the excel worksheets. The excel worksheet was sophisticated and required a lot of training.The company was growing at a very high rate and this was creating problems to the budgeting team because they could not accommodate all the requirements of the extraordinary growth of the company. The other problem was integrating the company’s business processes and the planning proces s which were increasingly becoming complicated (Gachet, 2004).The volume of data that the company was generating was also high and analyzing this data for financial planning purposes was quite difficult. Most of the company’s personnel were doctors, sales people, and research scientist who had little knowledge of financial planning and budgeting.This created problems because the company’s financial data was quite complex and the company had to hire a financial expert to analyze the data and generate the company’s budget.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Economic Development of Hawaii essays

Economic Development of Hawaii essays Hawaii, with an area of 28,313 sq. km (10,932 sq. mi.), is the 43rd largest state in the U.S.; 6.9% of the land is owned by the federal government. It consists mainly of the Hawaiian Islands, eight main islands and 124 islets, reefs, and shoals. The major islands in order of size are Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, Kauai, Molokai, Lanai, Nihau, and Kahoolawe. Population growth has increased by 80,000 persons over the past five years. Demographics show a large number of Hispanic origin: Asian Hispanics are the most populated with white Hispanic and Asian non-Hispanic following. Hawaii's economy has been long dominated by plantation agriculture and military spending. As agriculture has declined in importance, the economy has diversified to encompass a large tourist business and a growing manufacturing Hawaii's economy has changed drastically since statehood. In 1958, defense, sugar, and pineapple were the primary economic activities, accounting for 40% of Gross State Product (GSP). In contrast, visitor-related expenditures stood at just over 4% of Hawaii's GSP prior to statehood. Today the positions are reversed; sugar and pineapple constitute about 1% of GSP, defense accounts for just under 11%, while visitor-related spending comes close to 24% of The movement toward a service- and trade-based economy becomes even more apparent when considering the distribution of Hawaii's jobs across sectors. The share of the economy's jobs accounted for by manufacturing and agriculture have declined steadily since 1959 and each currently makes up less than 4% of total jobs in the economy. At the same time, the shares of jobs in wholesale and retail trade and in services have risen, standing at about 23% and 28%, respectively. Since 1991, Hawaii's economy has suffered from rising rates of unemployment. This stands in marked contrast to...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The eNotes Blog How to Write a Character Comparison in 8Steps

How to Write a Character Comparison in 8Steps Sometimes two characters are clearly alike, while other times it’s not as obvious. In order to write a successful character comparison, you must move beyond a description of the characters and analyze how they relate to each other. You should examine both characters’ individual roles in their respective literary works to understand how they contribute to the overall meaning of the text. Let’s take a look at eight steps for writing a character comparison.    1. Choose two characters The first step to writing a character comparison is to determine two characters you want to compare. Before you start comparing, revisit parts of the text where each character appears. Take note of the various character descriptions throughout the text and become familiar with the role of each character. A few popular choices for writing character comparisons: Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov, Crime and Punishment†¨ Hamlet and Laertes, Hamlet†¨ Lucy Manette and Madame Defarge, A Tale of Two Cities†¨ Daisy Buchanan and Jordan Baker, The Great Gatsby†¨ 2. Establish a purpose for comparison Why are you comparing these two specific characters? Are you comparing to find meaningful similarities and differences or is it to demonstrate your understanding of the work as a whole? By establishing a purpose, you’re laying the foundation for your comparison and can refer back to it when you start to analyze each character. Several reasons for comparing two characters: Compare how each character’s actions and attributes affect the plot Major similarities or differences in character can show what themes the author wants to emphasize Explain how the relationship between the characters provides deeper understanding of the themes 3. Describe the characters This is a good time to refer to any earlier notes you’ve taken about specific characters in the text: physical descriptions, style of dialogue, narrative elements, etc. It may be helpful to create a two column chart where you can list the traits of each character and cross reference your findings. Remember to always cite direct textual evidence! Important points to consider: Physical descriptions Actions Speech Beliefs / Values Descriptions by narrator and other characters 4. Identify similarities and differences Although the assignment may say â€Å"compare,† the assumption is that you will compare and contrast- consider both the similarities and differences. Once you’ve determined the traits of each character, identify the similarities and differences between them. Focus on the overarching personal qualities or nature of the two characters rather than describing their physical features. For example, if youre writing about Pride and Prejudice, dont write something like, Darcy is a man, and Elizabeth is a woman. Instead, write something like this: Despite the fact that Darcy is a man and rich and Elizabeth is a woman and relatively poor, they share the following characteristics: ____. And then finish by supplying striking examples in a way that explains the novel for your readers. 5. Formulate a thesis Your thesis statement should reflect your purpose for comparing two characters and incorporate the effects their similarities and differences have on your essay. Refer back to your purpose for comparing characters as well as your list of similarities and differences in order to formulate the main claim you’re making in the essay. For example: Though both members of the same social circles, Daisy Buchanan and Jordan Baker reveal the freedoms and restrictions imposed on women in The Great Gatsby. Though both receive prophecies from the witches. Macbeth and Banquo react differently to the news, illustrating through contrast the corrupting effects of power and pride. 6. Form a conclusion Fill in the blanks of the following statements: I am comparing these two characters in order to show ____ about the work. These characters share the following characteristics: ___. These characters differ in the following ways: ____. These similarities and differences relate to the essential meaning of the work because ____. Once you’re able to complete these statements, refer back to your thesis for your character comparison. Have you gathered enough information to make an accurate comparison between the two characters? Have you demonstrated your understanding of the work as a whole? For example, If youre writing about Shakespeares Hamlet and you compare Marcellus and Gertrude, youve pretty much demonstrated you don’t understand the play well, because theres little meaningful connection between the two. On the other hand, if you compare Ophelia and Hamlet, as two adults following their respective fathers advice to their deaths, youve demonstrated superior comprehension. 7. Structure your comparison Consider how you will compare the characters. Broadly speaking, there are two general ways to structure your comparison: You can write about both characters in each paragraph (paragraph 2: As appearance, Bs appearance; paragraph 3: As motivation, Bs motivation, etc). You can write all about A, then all about B, and relate both characters to each other in a following paragraph. No matter which structure you choose, remember why youre comparing these two characters. You must always make a larger argument about the meaning of the similarities and differences, and you must always support those arguments with specific examples from the work. 8. Write Once you’ve outlined the structure of your character comparison, you’re finally ready to write! Make sure that all of the information in your essay is accurate and can be supported by the text. Once you’ve finished writing, it’s always a good idea to proofread your work and make revisions if necessary. For more how-to lessons, visit How To Series.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Moschops Facts and Figures

Moschops Facts and Figures Name: Moschops (Greek for calf face); pronounced MOE-shops Habitat: Forests of South Africa Historical Period: Late Permian (255 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 16 feet long and one ton Diet: Plants Distinguishing Characteristics: Thick skull; short tail; front legs longer than hind legs About Moschops Moschops is a case study in how evolution produces roughly the same forms to occupy the same ecological niches. Although it was a therapsid (mammal-like reptile) rather than a true dinosaur, Moschops was markedly similar to later ornithopods and hadrosaurs like Iguanodon and Maiasaura: thick-set, medium-sized, and built close to the ground, the better to browse on low-lying vegetation. In an important sense, though, Moschops was the less evolved reptile, since it had a classic, splay-footed reptilian posture and (if it was possible) an even tinier brain. (By the way, the family of mammal-like reptiles to which Moschops belong went on to spawn the earliest true mammals during the Triassic period. It may seem hard to believe, but Moschops was the star of a short-lived kids TV show back in 1983, though its unclear whether the producers knew that it technically wasnt a dinosaur. Granted, that wasnt the only scientific inaccuracy: for example, Moschops shared a cave with his best friend, an Allosaurus, and his grandfather was a Diplodocus. Perhaps it was a good thing that Moschops only lasted for 13 episodes before fading into pop-culture obscurity.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Advocacy Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Advocacy Project - Assignment Example Due to the fact that an increasingly technological society does not perform nearly as much physical labor as was required in the recent past, coupled with the fact that diets have not kept pace with the changes to human behavior and activity, has instigated a situation by which both children and adults are becoming increasingly overweight; oftentimes obese (a means of measurement to define 20% or more over ideal body mass). Whereas current average obesity rate is approximately 32% within the United States, New Jersey experiences a childhood obesity rate in excess of 39% (Gollust et al., 2013). This creates a systemic issue not only due to the fact that it is a precipitously higher level of obesity than the national average but due to the fact that such a high rate of childhood/adolescent obesity impacts negatively on the current and future health that these individuals can necessarily expect. As such, the purpose of this analysis will be to engage the listener with an understanding o f the fact that action is required with regards to the epidemic of obesity; action that can ultimately help the current generation to enjoy a more healthy and active life than they might otherwise (Fletcher, 2014). Recent scholarship has indicated that the situation regarding childhood obesity, in the United States, is reaching and alarming level. Scholars have indicated that roughly one in three children currently living within the United States can be considered obese. The obvious problem that exists with regards to this is not necessarily due to the fact that these children are merely obese; rather, the problem that exists is due to the fact that children who suffer from obesity facing exponentially higher risk of developing any number of other diseases (Rabbit & Coye, 2013). These can include but are not limited to diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and many others (Anderson et al., 2012). Moreover, the issue with childhood obesity, as is

Friday, October 18, 2019

Research Lifetime Appointment of Federal Judges Essay

Research Lifetime Appointment of Federal Judges - Essay Example On the other hand, they can decide on their own to resign or retire whenever they feel the need to do so. The security of tenure provided for by article 3 of the constitution, was informed by the need to ensure that the judiciary is independent and free from political interference (Federal Judicial Center n.d). It goes without saying that if the judges were subjected to a situation whereby the appointing authority has the capacity to terminate their employment at will, it would be extremely difficult for them to dispense justice without favoritism. This is especially when they are called to make judgment on matters that have a political dimension and where the issues are touching on the party affiliated to the appointing authority. In this context, they would be easily compelled to rule in favor of their boss’s interests so as to avoid being removed from office. The dilemma in making such a decision is that in a democratic society such as the US, the opposition may come to win elections in the future to form the government and if the leaders have had problems with some of the judicial officers, they may take this opportunity to remove them and replace them with friendlier ones. Security of tenure ensures that these judges are not affected by such a change, which has the capacity to ruin their lives especially from the financial perspective. In addition, it is a well known fact that experience in any field of service is acquired through long time participation. Opponents of lifetime employment of federal judges argue that having a limited term creates opportunity for introducing new members, probably younger, to the judiciary, who have the capacity to bring new and fresh ideas, which would help build more jurisprudence as they would be more conversant with current trends and issues affecting the society (Carpenter 73). In this context, the opponents insinuate that judges, who have served for a long time, for example 20 years, may tend to take a conservati ve approach, while interpreting the law, to issues brought before them. On the contrary, being old does not necessarily mean that one loses his or her cognitive abilities and therefore is no reason for one to be discriminated in the work place. They still have the potential to serve the people, who really need their expertise and experience in law. On the other hand, it does not escape the minds of opponents that old age inhibits timely delivery of services as aged people tend to succumb to fatigue at a faster rate than young people. In the judiciary, the consequence of this fatigue is an impediment to justice as it may result to backlog of cases in the courts. Mental debilitation and dementia also becomes an obstacle for a person to think or remember important aspects of law, which may lead to the making of irrelevant judgments (Federal Judicial Center n.d). For example, Justice William Douglas of the Supreme Court failed to acknowledge his inability to make healthy contributions a fter he suffered a debilitating stroke and anosognosia in 1975, even after his colleagues on the bench voted to bar him from participating and disqualifying any decisions he made (Carpenter 36). This shows that life tenure of office by judges gives

Organization Management Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organization Management - Term Paper Example He apprehended that the merger would result in creating a tier one organization but opera would eventually lose its identity. This would mean that the opera would come down from the highest step of ‘self actualization’ in Maslow’s need hierarchy to a lower order need which is ‘recognition or self esteem’. According to Maslow’s hierarchy people prefer to meet their lower order needs when the higher order needs remain unsatisfied. For Opera to lose its identity would eventually mean stepping down from its higher order need to a lower order one (O'Neil & Drillings, 1994, p.146). Question 2 2. Scott Parker could convince Mr Abravanel using Maslow’s theory of motivation. Abravanel has the reputation of spending 32 years with Symphony which has taken the orchestra from a part time community band to a world class and famous symphony. As per Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Abravanel had attained the level of safety and security since the org anization had attained a level of stability under Abravanel’s leadership. However, Parker could convince him on the ground that the merger would uplift the status of the organization even further as Opera was also a world class musical organization. Making the merger a success would take him to a higher level of the hierarchy, i.e., the level of self actualization. Parker could convince him on the fact that the merger should be considered as a challenge for Abravanel and fulfilling the challenge would ultimately result in attainment of a higher reputation which would meet his self actualization need (Harris, McCaffer & Fotwe, 2006, p.99). Question 3 3. Personal power is that which is acquired through expertise, effort, personal attraction and legitimacy. Personal power reflects task relevant knowledge and experience, high commitment; and other desirable characteristics which are consistent with the organization goals and objectives (Whetten, 2008, p.280). On the other hand po sitional powers are acquired through one’s position and the responsibilities and tasks which are assigned to him. This refers to the degree of access to information that he has, or the amount of discretion that is vested on him. Anne’s positional power seems to be stronger than her personal powers having served the Boston Lyric Opera as the general director. This also gets reflected through the growth of Opera under her guidance from three to four production houses. She had gained immense reputation and recognition through her previous works. Her entire career depicts certain successful performances as the stage director in more than sixty opera productions in US. However, the fact that she was against the merger shows that she had little confidence in herself to drive the merger process. This demonstrates her weak personal power and fears. Her weak personal power gets reflected through her resistance against leading the merged entity as a CEO, although she had previou sly led a number of organizations in UK. a. Anne had the responsibility to taking forward the merged body of Opera and Symphony. Since she was particularly successful in the field of raising funds, it would be prime responsibility to raise funds such as to relieve Opera of the deficit it was running. Anne could use her positional powers for soliciting donations from different states which would be possible because of the reputation she had gained so far. This would account for the main positional powers she could use to lead the merger efforts. Her positional powe

Consequences of Divorce for Children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Consequences of Divorce for Children - Essay Example Without touch, even physiological systems will not function properly since the human skin is the first to develop and is the largest and the neediest sense organ (Linn et al., 1997: 29). Children in divorce-wreaked abodes generally lack parental touch due to the distress that the hurt and separation caused both parents, who need time alone and go through a process of grief, especially for one party who felt cheated. Studies of adolescents found a positive correlation between drug abuse and home environments with having little or no touch (Huttmann, 1993:168). Similarly, amidst the fact that a mother's care is critical during infancy, infants need touch and care from their fathers too, and little or lack of it will result to "abnormal" bonding behavior, such as the high amount of incestuous behavior among stepfathers who never had the chance to bond with their stepdaughters as infants (Hamilton,1985: 10). Studies show that when fathers interact with their infants, those infants thrive and grow up securely surrounded by the love of two parents rather than just one. The rate of development of children who frequently stayed with their fathers rather than just their mothers is found to be high (ibid). On the contrary, infants who are seldom touched tend to develop slower and are passive (Linn, et al., 1997: 30). Hence, it is apparent that in homes where the parents decide for divorce, the child is usually deprived of the needed frequent touch from each parent, and since legal laws provide the custody of children to the mother, it is often the father's touch that is missed. Based on this discussion, when the most striking impact of divorce happens at the time when the child is in infancy stage, the parents' lack of attention due to the grief that divorce had caused results in slow physical, social, and even mental development for the child (ibid). Erikson describes children in their early childhood as experiencing a conflict between autonomy vs. shame and doubt. Autonomy develops as the child tries to develop his own will and tries to get what he wants, while shame and doubt are the result if the child chooses his own will and consequently disappoints his mother (Cordes, 1985: 33). However, Erikson clarifies that when the child chooses his own will, he does not disconnect from his mother but rather seeks a separate sense of self in order to relate to her in new ways (Stern, 1985: 10). It may be inferred that children at this stage are learning many things; thus, they become their own person. They are learning how to talk, walk, and go where they want. Piaget posits that children in this stage can understand that divorce is something bad, that somebody must be responsible for this, and the concept of guilt does not enter their minds (Jensen and Mckee, 2003). Hence, during this stage, divorce is not related to guilt. Children m ake judgments from their own viewpoints and cannot easily imagine that there are other judgments other than their own (ibid). Erikson posits that it is important that at this stage of the child, parents are firm but loving so that the child will not grow into a little Hitler if they are too permissive, or will not be deeply hurt if they always say no to everything he wants. If children do not sense that they have a will, then anything

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Final Examination Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Final Examination - Term Paper Example They then undertake a video exam where they watch a scenario and give their feedback. The applicants then undergo a physical fitness test. A background investigation is then conducted. A drug test, psychological test, polygraph oral interview and medical examination are taken to determine the suitability of the candidate. A background investigation is conducted to ensure applicants with criminal pasts and current criminal dealings are barred from being recruited. Police recruitment agencies have invested huge resources to ensure thorough background checks are conducted to determine the integrity of the applicants. The credit histories, history of drug use, academic records employment history are reviewed. This to establish any issue from the past that might jeopardize the applicant’s ability to perform their duties should they is recruited to the force. 3. The three main branches of our federal government are equal and each has their own individual checks and balances they can exert over the other two. Name the three branches and give some examples of each of their individual checks and balances. The U.S government is made up of three parts, the Executive, the Legistrature and the judicially. The three branches of government share power between them through clearly stipulated checks and balances that provide the separation of powers. The legistrature exerts influence on the executive through several ways. They include the power to override presidential vetoes; it has the power to declare war, allocate state funds and to impeach the president. It also influences the judicially through the senate’s role of approving federal judges and the power to set the court’s jurisdiction. The executive checks on the legistrature through its ability to call either of the houses or both of them for an emergency session. The

The Colonization of America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Colonization of America - Essay Example Economics was the driving force behind the move to the colonies and religion was the prime motivation. After a millennium of rule over Europe, the Catholic Church had come under increasing pressure brought on by its abuse of power and unpopular doctrines. During the reign of King Henry the VIII, England split from the Catholic Church and changed the national religion to Protestant. After Henry's death, the country switched between Catholic and Protestant as the rulers changed. When Mary became queen in 1553 she banished, persecuted, or killed many people who were not Catholics. When the Protestant religion came back in favor, there were even more dramatic splits in religion as radical Protestants objected to some of the fundamentals of the church. These splits in the churches carried on into the 17th century and eventually fomented into the English Civil War. England was being swept up into the fervor that had engulfed the rest of Europe decades earlier. The English Civil War, also known as the Puritan Movement, had its beginnings with John Calvin in the 16th century. The puritans objected to the modern Protestant church of the 17th century and insisted the church follow the Calvinist doctrine. The strict teachings of Calvinism earned the followers the name of reformer and non-conformer. These Puritan reformers, outlawed in their own country, were seeking a new place where they could practice their religion with freedom. The Americas were the ideal location, and the economic situation at the time made the journey a necessary reality. Others seeking wealth, resources, and land would facilitate their voyage across the sea. During the period of religious upheaval, England was also experiencing a dramatic shift in its economic system. By the beginning of the 17th century, the population has swelled and unemployment was escalating. Peasants and laborers moved to the city and were met with impoverished conditions. The increase in population placed a greater demand on goods and services and resulted in widespread scarcities across England. With a high demand and short supply, inflation set in and resulted in the Price Revolution. Landlords found that they could make more profit during this period of high inflation by producing cash goods rather than renting to tenants. In a process called enclosing, the landowners would evict the current tenants and enclose the property to produce commercial commodities. Though this was good for the economy in that it produced more goods and eased inflation, it resulted in greater poverty for the farmer tenants and increased unemployment in England's cities. These changing economic systems caused people to seek wealth in new areas such as the Americas. America offered the poor an opportunity to own land and the investor the chance to capitalize their fortunes. England saw migration as a means to ease the overpopulation and the overburdened demand for goods. The impoverished in England were also the most disenchanted and dissatisfied class. They were drawn to radical religious and philosophical doctrines and looked for leadership in these disciplines. Drawn by the promise of prosperity in a new land, they were eager to begin a pilgrimage to a new home. The promise of land ownership and religious freedom combined to make the migration to the Americas possible. The new immigrants to America began

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Final Examination Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Final Examination - Term Paper Example They then undertake a video exam where they watch a scenario and give their feedback. The applicants then undergo a physical fitness test. A background investigation is then conducted. A drug test, psychological test, polygraph oral interview and medical examination are taken to determine the suitability of the candidate. A background investigation is conducted to ensure applicants with criminal pasts and current criminal dealings are barred from being recruited. Police recruitment agencies have invested huge resources to ensure thorough background checks are conducted to determine the integrity of the applicants. The credit histories, history of drug use, academic records employment history are reviewed. This to establish any issue from the past that might jeopardize the applicant’s ability to perform their duties should they is recruited to the force. 3. The three main branches of our federal government are equal and each has their own individual checks and balances they can exert over the other two. Name the three branches and give some examples of each of their individual checks and balances. The U.S government is made up of three parts, the Executive, the Legistrature and the judicially. The three branches of government share power between them through clearly stipulated checks and balances that provide the separation of powers. The legistrature exerts influence on the executive through several ways. They include the power to override presidential vetoes; it has the power to declare war, allocate state funds and to impeach the president. It also influences the judicially through the senate’s role of approving federal judges and the power to set the court’s jurisdiction. The executive checks on the legistrature through its ability to call either of the houses or both of them for an emergency session. The

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Power of language Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Power of language - Assignment Example I learned from this that it is not a good idea to try and impress people unless you really what you are talking about. If you do not know the correct technical terms to use, then it can sound ridiculous. In this case I tried to show off and it did not have the desired effect. To this day I am reminded of this error because my friend Tony still calls me â€Å"drip kick† when he sees me. He thinks it is funny, but I am getting tired of being reminded of it all the time. Now whenever I see a football game, I think of how small things that we say can have a long term effect on the way people see each other. When I am learning about a new area, I take extra special care to familiarize myself with the technical language. I am also more aware of the power of words to hurt people. This means that when someone does something stupid, I try to remember how I felt about making that mistake, and I usually say something encouraging so that the other person does not feel so bad. I will try not to be cruel, and to cause pain by criticizing people. I will also observe how people behave on television, and by watching how people speak, and how others react, I will be able to reflect on how powerful some kinds of words can be. I will tell this story about my experience to other people, partly to make them laugh, and partly to show how making simple mistakes with words can have a lasting effect. It was not a serious matter in this case, but there could be times when such a mistake would be damaging, such as when a politician speaks about something important. I think sometimes we expect too much of people in positions of authority. We expect them to know everything, and to be able to speak perfectly, without any mistakes. This is unrealistic, however, and I will talk to others about the way that the media sometimes exaggerates the mistakes that famous people make. Things get blown out of

Monday, October 14, 2019

Tesco SWOT Analysis 2015 2017

Tesco SWOT Analysis 2015 2017 Tesco plc was the UKs top retailer in 2013 (Retail Economics, 2014) and maintains a presence in 12 countries in Europe and Asia (Tesco, 2014). To sustain its position and build profitability, Tesco must assess its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT). Strengths and weaknesses focus on internal factors affecting a company; in contrast, opportunities and threats identify external issues (Collins, 2010). Thus, it is important to carry out a SWOT analysis to ascertain how the company is performing in the market (Kotler et al., 2013). Strengths Tesco is a powerful retail brand globally, in the top 100 of the worlds most valued brands, slightly below Ikea and well above eBay (Brand Finance, 2014). It is known as a company that offers value for money, convenience, a wide range of products, and locally-sensitive management (Wood and McCarthy, 2014). Worldwide, Tesco has 6,784 stores, an increase of 433 stores since 2012, despite the disposal of their US venture, Fresh Easy (Tesco, 2012, 2014). Tesco has utilised innovative business methods in its rise, including the creation of stores like Tesco Metro and Tesco Express, which are small stores in local neighbourhoods to make shopping more convenient for the customers (Schiraldi, Smith and Takahashi, 2012). Other strengths in their global operations include online shopping, joint ventures, such as in China, and local recruitment, including in senior management positions (Koen, Bertels and Elsum, 2011). Because of their size and facilities, Tesco can buy in bulk, benefiting from economies of scale (Blythman, 2012). This permits the company to lower prices to keep prices attractive and be competitive with UK retailers such as Asda or Sainsburys. Additionally, by creating loyalty packages such as the Clubcard, they retain customers, creating long-term relationships (Felgate, Fearne and Di Falco, 2011). Weaknesses Tesco has grown to be a very big company with a very wide range of products, diversified into food, books, clothing, furniture, insurance, petrol, and financial services. This model has its weaknesses. Tescos profit has been impacted by bad debt from credit cards and high levels of household insurance claims (Ruddick, 2014). Another issue is Tescos lack of experience in some markets that it intends to enter, such as its own brand smartphones and tablets (Wood and Gibbs, 2014). Finally, Tesco needs to invest a lot of cash in new web technologies and IT, as well as store refurbishment, diverting cash from price reduction strategies (Ruddick, 2014). This is likely to have an adverse effect on sales (Bunn and Ellis, 2012). Opportunities There are many opportunities for Tesco, including expansion into markets such as digital entertainment, through their 80% investment in Blinkbox (Hall, 2011). The move by Tesco to offer own-brand tablets and smartphones can intersect with this investment, particularly in foreign markets such as Malaysia, South Korea, Thailand, and China (Piercy, Cravens and Lane, 2010). Online shopping can offer greater flexibility to customers who are leading busy family lives or have mobility issues; Tesco is trying to meet the needs of the customers by expanding operations in this sector (Ma, Ding and Hong, 2010). The ongoing effects of the recession, where families and individuals may be struggling financially, or too busy working to cook (Thompson et al., 2012), can be accommodated through wider value and Tescos Finest branding. In addition, further overseas expansion could occur in markets such as Australia, where the grocery retail market faces relatively limited competition yet is fiercely price-sensitive (Clarke, 2012). Threats Tesco is confronted by many threats in the market. Their current position as number one in the UK grocery retail sector means that they are the target of consistent competition from Sainsburys, Asda, Morrisons, and, increasingly, Lidl and Aldi (Stevenson, 2014). One threat that Tesco continues to resist is the takeover of Asda by Wal-Mart. Branding of stores as Asda Wal-Mart has been increasing in the UK, demonstrating a weakening in the consumer disdain for Wal-Mart. The ninth most-valued brand in the world, Wal-Mart is Tescos largest global competitor and therefore has the necessary skills, resources, experience and funds to cause Tesco problems (Brand Finance, 2014). The effect of town planning and consumer intolerance for out-of-town stores, as well as concern for the livelihood of small shops, can also imperil Tescos expansion plans (Stevenson, 2014). Conclusion SWOT analysis allows marketers to identify risks in their environment. Once risks are evaluated, measures can adopted to mitigate against the adverse effects of market changes, or take advantage of openings (Kotler et al., 2013). Although a retailer may still face enormous challenges, such as Tesco is presently experiencing (Ruddick, 2014), developing flexibility enables companies to structure plans to optimise success, or avoid entering into projects in which failure is a significant possibility. Strengths may be tailored to opportunities in the market, so that strategies are enhanced and clear objectives set (Kotler et al., 2013).Through consistent planning and economic awareness, Tesco is well placed to secure its future, as its diversified retail strategy is likely to accommodate increasing consumer reliance on online shopping, digital products and services, discount grocery services. Bibliography Brand Finance (2014). Global 500 2014: The worlds most valuable brands. Available at: [accessed 1 September 2014]. Blythman, J. (2012). Shopped: The shocking power of British supermarkets. London: HarperCollins. Bunn, P. and Ellis, C. (2012). Examining the behaviour of individual UK consumer prices. The Economic Journal, 122(558), F35-F55. Clarke, I. (2012). Consumer satisfaction with local retail diversity in the UK: Effects of supermarket access, brand variety and social deprivation. Doctoral dissertation, Department of Marketing, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University, Australia. Collins, R. (2010). A graphical method for exploring the business environment. Oxford University Working Paper 956. Felgate, M., Fearne, A. and Di Falco, S. (2011). Analysing the impact of supermarket promotions: A case study using Tesco Clubcard data in the UK. Kent Business School. Working Paper 234. Hall, J. (2011). Tesco to offer video-on-demand services. Daily Telegraph, 21st April 2011. Koen, P.A., Bertels, H.M. and Elsum, I.R. (2011). The three faces of business model innovation: challenges for established firms. Research-Technology Management, 54(3), 52-59. Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Harris, L.C. and Piercy, N.F. (2013). Principles of marketing (6th edn). Harlow: Pearson. Ma, Y., Ding, J. and Hong, W. (2010). Delivering customer value based on service process: The example of International Business Research, 3(2), 131. Piercy, N.F., Cravens, D.W. and Lane, N. (2010). Marketing out of the recession: Recovery is coming, but things will never be the same again. The Marketing Review, 10(1), 3-23. Retail Economics (2014). Top 10 UK retailers 2013. Available at: [accessed 1 September 2014]. Ruddick, G. (2014). Tescoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s new chief executive handed  £700m war chest. Daily Telegraph, 29th August 2014. Schiraldi, P., Smith, H. and Takahashi, Y. (2012). Estimating a dynamic game of spatial competition: The case of the UK supermarket industry. LSE Working Paper. Stevenson, T. (2014). Tesco share slide has investors catching a falling knife. Daily Telegraph, 29th August 2014. Tesco plc (2012). Preliminary results 2011/12. Cheshunt: Tesco plc. Tesco plc (2014). Annual report 2014. Cheshunt: Tesco plc. Thompson, C., Clarke, G., Clarke, M. and Stillwell, J. (2012). Modelling the future opportunities for deep discount food retailing in the UK. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 22(2), 143-170. Wood, S. and McCarthy, D. (2014). The UK food retail à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"race for spaceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ and market saturation: A contemporary review. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 24(2), 121-144. Wood, Z. and Gibbs, S. (2014). Tesco to launch own brand smart phone. The Guardian, 7th May 2014. Other Essays on Tesco Other essays available on the Tesco organisations are: Tesco PESTEL Analysis Tesco Business analysis Tesco is one of the leading supermarkets Tesco Strategy analysis Tesco Changing Business Environment Tesco Fresh Veg Supply Chain Management

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Three Principal Meetings that Led to the Adoption of the Constitution o

Three Principal Meetings that Led to the Adoption of the Constitution of the United States There were three principal meetings that led to the adoption of the Constitution of the United States, and only two Virginians attended all three. The meetings were the Mount Vernon Conference of 1785, the Annapolis Convention of 1786 and the Philadelphia Convention in 1787. James Madison was one attendee, and he is well known as the Father of the Constitution and our fourth President. George Mason was the other, yet his name does not spring to mind. Does George Mason deserve the accolade "Founding Father?" This paper will explore the political life of Mason and attempt to answer the question affirmatively. Before exploring Mason through his papers, his biographies and the papers of his contemporaries, it is necessary to decide what one must have done to be included in the list of our republic's founders. For purposes of this investigation, we must find that Mason's words or actions were influential in the document as finally ratified. While Mason's authorship of the Virginia Declaration of Rights is easily tied to the Bill of Rights, the question for this paper is whether Mason's handprints appear on the mold of our Constitution. Mason is well regarded as a political writer. "His three most brilliant papers - 'Extracts from the Virginia Charters', 'The Virginia Resolutions' and 'Declaration of Rights' have become immortalized as the very foundations of American democracy." Herbert Lawrence Ganter identified George Mason as an "eighteenth century champion of liberty for all." But these approbations are difficult to uncover. More commonly, one finds quotations such as "†¦the wr itings of the great thinkers of the age - Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, Adams†¦" To adequately examine George Mason, a brief review of his pre-convention life and activities helps set up his provenance as a founding father. George Mason, the fourth so named in this lineage, was born about 1725. His father drowned during a squall while crossing the Potomac in 1735. His education was at the hand of his paternal uncle and co-guardian John Mercer of Marlborough who had "†¦assembled one of the outstanding libraries in the colony†¦" Mercer's collection was heavily weighted toward law and legal treatises but contained the currently popular classic literature as well as works on philosop... ...ited States." In further debate, Colonel Mason moved to insert the words "increased or" before "diminished" in the proposed clause defining the compensation of judges, but this motion was voted down. On August 28, Mason objected to the clause denying States the right to interfere in private contracts. On August 29 Mason joined the fray on the issue of regulation of commerce and States' rights, again expressing his concern that southern states are a minority. On the issue of new western states, he suggested that they be treated equally, a view opposed to those who had moved to place superior power in the existing States. August 30 was a day of silence for Colonel Mason. On August 31, Mason supported those who felt that only nine States needed to ratify rather than ten as was on the table. Nine States had been acceptable for the Confederation and there was no valid reason to change. As August came to a close, Mason seconded the motion of Elbridge Gerry to postpone a decision on how and when the States should be allowed to ratify the Constitution. It was during this speech that Mason declared he would sooner chop off his right hand than put to the people the Constitution as it

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Clifford Olson: Canadian Serial Killer Essay -- Biography Biographies

Clifford Olson: Canadian Serial Killer Clifford Olson is one of Canada's well known serial killers. He showed no sign of sympathy for the public all throughout his life and would eventually end up killing many innocent people and spending a good portion of his life in jail. Clifford Olson was born on January 1st 1940, in Vancouver, British Columbia. While he was growing up he was always in trouble. Even as a child in school her was referred to as a bully and not a nice kid. Then as he grew up things didn't change for the better the just got worse. As a teenager and young adult Olson found himself in trouble with the law quite frequently. From the year of 1951 to 1981 ( ages 17-21) he had 94 arrests. He was put in jail for some of them and served time for cries ranging from fraud to armed robbery. While in prison Olson was known for two things. One was for being a homosexual rapist and the second was for being a snitch, and helping out the police. Olson helped the police by getting his friend named Garry Marcoux (also in jail), to give a detailed description and confession to raping and mutilating a nine year old girl. Somehow Olson was able to get Marcoux to write down his confession. Olson them gave this to police and it was used to convict Marcoux of that crime. Once Olson had served his time and was released he went to live with the mother of is son. One would have thought that he had learned his lesson and would try to turn his life around. However very unfortunately that was not the case. In November of 1980 A young girl, 12 years old, named Christine Weller went missing. She would later prove to be one of Olson's first murder victims. Christine was abducted from her home in Surrey, BC. Her mutilated body ... ...ack of his van, police found an address book containing the name of Judy Kozma. Along with this and other evidence the police were able to charge Clifford Olson with the murder of Judy Kozma 6 days later. Olson knew that he was going to be put back in jail and was suspected on some of the other murders that he had committed.. So Olson made a deal with the prosecution. In his deal Olson' s family, (wife and son) were to be paid $10,000 for each of his victims. This was very controversial. In exchange Olson would provide the information on the known murders and gave the police direction to 6 outstanding bodies. Olson kept his part of the deal and so did the prosecution. The money was paid to Olson's family on schedule. On January 11th 1982, Clifford Olson pleaded guilty to 11 counts of murder. For this he was sentenced to 11 concurrent life terms in prison.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Review of a few good men Essay

A few good men starring Jack Nicholson Tom Cruise and Demi Moore is about ethic in the marines. Many characters in the movie are faced with moral dillemas Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholsons characters are faced with moral dillemas. The movie is about two marines who are accused of murdering there fellow officer, during the incestigation it is discovered that there is a practice called â€Å"code red† this is a unethical and unofficial disciplinary measure by the marine squad when a member goes against the unit. The offender is gagged, beaten, and then they are killed by their fellow officers. The accused put the blame on someone they said was higher up from them. They carried out the â€Å"code red† order because the officer was not living up to the duties and agenda of the marines, and they were following the command of a higher ranking officer than they were. It is later discovered that Colnel Jessup played by Jack Nicholson was the one who gave the order to kill private Santiago. This crime is not only ethically wrong in the marine corps but it is also illegal by law. Lance Corporal Harold dawson and Private Louden Downey, played by Wolfgang Bodison and James Marshall were just following orders when they assulted Private Santiago late at night by stuffing a rag in his mouth and basically suffocating him creating respirtory complications. Santiago had decided that millitary life was not what he wanted and he ended up paying the price for that decision. False discharge papers were created in an attempt to hide the actual code red plan. There are two ethical issues here, of course one is the murder performed byDawson and Downey, the other is the code red order of Jessup and the subsequent cover up. Kaffe is a young trial lawyer who has a lot to prove. His father was a famous lawyer, so in order to be like him Kaffe needs to win all the time , losing is not an option. One of his tactics is to request a plea bargain on many of his cases. Kaffee is acquired to defend Dawson and Downey, however Kaffee knows that the two marines have done something unethical. Kaffee, in fact, despises Dawson and Downey so much that he says they do not deserve the uniforms that they wear. Kaffee has adilemma; his personal feelings concerning people who abuse others who aren’t able to defend themselves get in the way. In short Kaffe does not want to defend these marines.His normal course of action would have been to request a plea bargain. However JoanneGalloway played by Demi Moore, his co-council and superior officer convinces him not to go that route. Kaffe  starts work hard on the case. As time goes on he discovers that Dawson and Downey are really not to blame at all. The problem rests squarely with Jessup. When this discovery is made Kaffe holds colonel Jessup culpable. This puts Kaffe’s name and career at great risk. over time it became very important for Kaffee to vindicate the marines and to bring down Jessup. This in his mind was proper justice and also something true,noble, and outside of himself. He even came to accept that fulfilling his fathers footsteps did not matter. Most civilians would label Jessup’s actions as cruel and cold hearted and vicious. They would view thesituation from a Teleological framework, which means they would be thinking about theconsequences of Jessup’s actions. However, civilians are not marines and therefore do not understand the point of the situation. The point is to adherence to military rules. In fact proper ethical behavior in the case of a marine comes form following therules. This is an example of a deontological framework, or a framework that judges the ethics of an action based on adherence to rules. This is Jessup believes to be the world he lives in, a world, iof rules, not consequences.The turning point in all of this occurred when Santiago died. Jessup lost his mind at this point. He lied to Kaffee by telling him that Santiago was to leave the base. He also said that his chiefs of staff had orders not to abuse Santiago. Because of Kaffee andGalloway’s persistance, Jessup went to prison for his actions.I am not a military person, but have many family and friends that are in the millitary and know how some of the operations and rules work..However, this kind of situation is not possible amongst civilians. Military people have to defend our country’s freedoms and sometimes they have to fight for the freedoms of other countries. In order to do this they have to abide by a particular set of rules so that they are fair in helping other countries have their safety and freedoms as well. I really do not believe that the ethical dilemmas posed by the movie could have been solved any other way. Dawson and Downey may have rejected Jessup’s orders to do a code red on Santiago. They mayhave been fired for this, but in any event the order would have gone to other Marines more willing to carry it out and help their career. It really does not matter because Santiago would experience thecode red no matter what. Fate is what it is and  cannot be changed and in this case it was his time. Kaffee wanted a plea bargain, however due to Galloway’s influence he chose to focus his intellect on the case. I believe that this was a wise decision. It resulted in saving the marines from time in prison and sending Jessup to jail. .Code red orders have probably been given countless times in the past, the reason being that they work. People have a preconcieved notion of what lawyers do, and how they think and act. That they are only out to make a profit. This is a millitary court though they have to uphold to a different set of standards when it comes to the law. There is the law that we know and the law of the millitary. I also think that people watch movies about legalities and justice to try a nd get a better understanding of our world. There are a few different types of millitary branches out there that rule different areas like the navy is usually under water, the army is on land, and the airforce rules the skies. With all these how do we govern laws to fit all categories of the millitary. How do we ensure that they equally enforce these laws and protect all of their enlisters. I read an article about women being assulted by their fellow officers and they hardley ever see and type of punishment or trial for what they did. How is there any ethics there. What lesson is learned, that since they are in the milli tary they can get away with thing. To me I think that millitary should fall under the same circuit of justice as all others. I think that the movie all in all was very good. The actors that portrayed the characters were very believeable, as well as the story line. I think something like that could and maybe even already did happen. You hear a lot now about our soldiers falling victim to friendly fire over seas and it makes you wonder why that really happened. It is a sad reality though. I also like a lot of the actors in the movie like Kevin Bacon, Kieffer Sutherland as well as Jack Nicholson and Demi Moore. I think that with the upcoming holliday it was only fitting to do a movie about the millitary. Many of my family members either have served or still serve in the millitary and I was in the ROTC program in highschool so to me this is a subject that  I am passionate about. Not just on hollidays but everyday I come across a veteran I make sure to thank them. Because wha happened in the movie does not depict the military as a whole and these men and women truly are the superheroes of today.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Influence of tv on children Essay

Television has come a long way since its invention in the 1900’s. People around the world have got to witness many historical events such as, the first man to walk on the moon, to even the inauguration of our first African American president. Although there were many great moments in history viewed on television, not many of the programs offered on stations are valuable. There have been many arguments on whether or not television has been a good influence on our children. I feel there are many advantages and disadvantages to television. But sometimes, television may not always be a good source of information for children and their development. There is also no excuse to use television to babysit children. Children become affected from over exposure to television. I feel television is fine if viewed in moderation. There are many alternative activities we can do instead of sitting on our couch and watching pointless shows. The usefulness of television has been a very controversial argument over the years. I feel there are a lot of both positive and negative properties about television. The positive side of television, there are many educational programs that help inform us. The news channel is an excellent example of such. News broadcasts can tell us about disasters that may have occurred, weather forecasts, and current events. Children may also watch shows that help with learning basics. Another pro is the integration of culture into our society. However, with the pros come many negative effects. Spending too much time watching television, consumes the precious time that can be spent in productive and healthy activities like exercise or reading. It also uses up the time that you can spend interacting with your family and friend. Children today watch television for long periods. The dependence to television deprives them of their time to play. It would be better for children to involve themselves in physical activities during the evenings instead of sitting inactively. Physical activities can help them live a healthier life. In addition, watching television is damaging to vision. Researchers claim that attention deficit disorders in children result from watching television for long periods. Television leads to developmental disorders, damaging the capability of the brain which is in control of  language skills. Children who watch more television show difficulties in paying attention or concentrating. Television is one of the effective media used to promote all kinds of products. Unsupervised television watching in children can lead to early exposure to things they may not understand. Television advertisements may influence the children to use wrong methods. Eye catching advertisements and film stories deeply impact young minds. They associate their life to television shows and films. Studies in psychology have shown that watching intense emotions on television leaves a long-lasting impact on one’s mind. Horror scenes, ghosts, unpleasant scenes that are shown on television have a negative effect on the minds of people watching them. Violence, killing, massacre and physical abuse that is shown on television impacts the thoughts and emotions of the viewers. Research shows about 25% of parents use television to occupy their children; or in other words babysit them. Some 70% of the 1,000 mothers & fathers were polled as part of the national year of communication survey say they do not feel guilty about allowing their children to watch TV. And 42% think it is a great way for children to learn. On the website, a survey was taken and many parents say bring conversations on about what they’ve learned from watching the shows on television. In actuality only 15% of families start conversations based on tv. There is certainly no excuse to have your child sit in front of the television screen. Children can do a whole list of activities that are better worth the time such as reading or going outside and getting active.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Example of Resume and Practical Application Letter Essay

On behalf of the School of Business and Economics, I submit herewith an application for the student mentioned below to conduct his/her industrial training under your esteemed organization. The industrial training program is one of the course requirements for student to complete their Bachelor of Business (with honors) degree at University Malaysia Sabah. For your information, the placement should last for 3 months from 24 June 2013 to 13 September 2013. The main objective of this placement is to expose the student to the working environment in the corporate world, of which can be explained further by the attached â€Å"Program Objectives’’. The following student (enclosed CV) is majoring in Entrepreneurship: 1. BB1011xxxx ALIA UMAIRA BINTI MOHD RAFI (I/C NO: 901228-01-xxxx) For further information, please do not hesitate to contact any number of the practicum coordinator during office hours. In addition, below are few other objectives with regard to practical training: o To brief the trainees the roles and task performed as well as to prepare daily/weekly schedule. o To improve the trainees understanding on the company’s roles and contribution towards the industry. o To provide opportunity for trainees to be involved in the organization operation management and other activities such as briefing/seminars, workshops, exhibition and etc. o To improve communication and public relation techniques in order to enhance better relationship within the company as well as the customers.

Reflecting on creative writing piece Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflecting on creative writing piece - Essay Example As his mother approached, Till dropped his eyes automatically back to the simultaneous equations he was working on. â€Å"When I am older† he thought, â€Å"and when I am done with school I will train to be an astronaut and go out looking for Goldilocks planets across the galaxy.† Till’s eyes wandered away from the numbers and looked out of the window. The sun sat fixed and still in his place, casting his cool red glow over the world, as if to say, yes young man, one day you will train for the fleet and join the Goldilocks expeditionary force in search of worlds beyond even your imagination. The object that I used as my starting point was the phrase â€Å"Goldilocks planet† and an artist’s rendering of a discovery announced on 30th Sept 2010 of the first truly earth like planet which has just the right conditions for life. I decided I would write about this from the point of view of the new planet, not from earth, but I wanted to keep this fact in suspense, and create an impression at first that the writing was from a human and earth- bound perspective. I tried to make the opening as normal as possible, so I chose a kid sitting at a breakfast bar, in front of a tv screen, half doing his homework and half watching tv. My first draft contained phrases that referred to time, for example, â€Å"has been announced this morning† and â€Å"One day, when I am done with school† but when I read the text over, I realised that time is all relative to the sun and the earth, and that in a different solar system there would not necessarily be days or mornin gs, since this new Goldilocks discovery apparently faces its dwarf star sun all the time and does not rotate. I took out these references and made them general. Then I checked for consistency and changed all the color references too, making them applicable to a spectrum dominated by red. I learned that science fiction is

Monday, October 7, 2019

Written Practice in English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Written Practice in English - Essay Example I have improved upon the following skills, but I still need some on working them: introductions/ conclusions, argument/persuasion, evidence/support, sentence/paragraph structure and staying on topic. I will need more, significant work on tone, revision, meeting/staying within page length, pre-writing and transitions. When I started the course, I was not even aware of the dynamics of writing. However, I was introduced to the various elements involved in good writing, and the first component that struck me and I wanted to specialize in was the ability to summarize. I practiced a lot on this because I thought it contained many subsidiary skills of writing related to identifying and choosing the significant ideas, editing, organizing and so on. I could say that I have mastered this skill after some dedicated hours of work. I have also mastered the skill of responding to a reading. For this, I spent quality time to read things carefully and to identify the main and supporting arguments. I am convinced now that my responses could be effective only if I understand properly whatever I read. I have improved drastically with my word choices. Earlier, I used to believe that words did not matter much as long as the content was significant. Now I am aware that the content can be made significant only if the r ight words are used. With the proper choice of words, I reached high levels of clarity as well. Before I start writing anything, I try to identify my thoughts clearly and ask myself whether this could be presented with clarity. With the help of my professor, I could identify various formats of writing and can claim that I am adept at it now. Though it all seemed restricting in the beginning, I was able to grasp the logic that worked with every format, and this helped me a lot to master them.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Global Context of Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Global Context of Business - Assignment Example iii) Devaluation of domestic currency and thus a fall in profitability of investment ventures. This might restrain many potential investors from pouring their funds in the afflicted nation which can adversely affect the economic growth process. B) Unemployment rate is measured as the percentage of unemployed people in the total labor force. Discouraged workers and people not seeking jobs though belonging to an age group above 16 are not included in the labor force. In the present case, the total labor force comprises of 110 million people and the number of people employed among them is 90 million. This leaves a total of 20 million people jobless, in the total workforce. Thus, the rate of unemployment in the nation is, 3. In economics, domestic aggregate demand is treated at par with the real GDP of an economy. There are three primary sources which sum up to give the aggregate demand in an economy, viz., consumption expenditure, investment expenditure and government expenditure. A fall in any one of the three factors will lead to a fall in total domestic demand and hence the resultant GDP will be affected accordingly When the government decided to implement tax cuts, it led to a rise in the disposable income and an inferred rise in the amount of consumption expenditure. However there was a simultaneous shortfall in the availability of government’s resources to meet its expenses, so that the proportion of government expenditure in aggregate demand depreciated. A rise in one component accompanied by a fall in another left the aggregate demand as well as the real GDP unchanged. With no changes in the domestic money supply, the general price continued at the same level.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Environmetal policy and Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Environmetal policy and Law - Essay Example It must not be situated within an aquifer, a public water supply (any closer than 1,000 feet), within a one hundred year flood plain, underground mines, within channels, ravines, or steep topography that has unstable slope, and within woody draws. Also to be taken consideration is the fact that the designated area must not be near any habitats for endangered or threatened species of plant, fish, or wildlife (North Dakota Department of Health, 2006). 5. A leachate pond will be established so as to collect the liquid that will be produced by the wastes. This structure is essential in collecting chemicals that may possibly contaminate the water table. 7. Landfill cells will be established as the need arises or as gradually as possible, to avoid any waste material hazards that may arise out of the certain cell. A cell is established by excavating and lining the area with clay and plastic liners. It is only at this point where waste materials can be disposed in the area. Meanwhile, landfill cells could also be established by carefully removing the top soil and subsoil for final reclamation purposes. Windbreaks or tree planting establishment could also be utilised so as to prevent any prevailing wind destructions that may hamper operations. Remediation measures will be done if it has been deemed necessary based from constant monitoring, assessment, and evaluation of landfill activities. Before dumping the waste materials in the landfill area, there is a need to properly segregate materials that are suitable and not suitable for waste disposal (Division of Environmental Management, 1996). Suitable materials for disposal includes: demolition wastes, asphalt and rubble, wood, bricks, concrete, uncontaminated soil, rocks, excavated materials, green wastes, tree stumps, fencing materials, and other uncontaminated biodegradable materials. On the other

Friday, October 4, 2019

Exploring Human Eyes Conversion of Visible Light Into Neural Activity Essay

Exploring Human Eyes Conversion of Visible Light Into Neural Activity and Conveying of Visual Information into Visual Cortex - Essay Example Light rays first come in contact with cornea which helps in maintaining the anterior chamber of the eye. The light rays travel via small hole known as a pupil , it contains iris muscles in its surrounding which later pass on to the lens, it aids in converging the beam of light to focus the object depending on the distance. (SK277 Course Team, 2004, p.63) This phenomenon is also known as accommodation reflex. Human eye comprises of two chambers namely the anterior chamber and posterior chamber. ... The diameter of the aperture is enhanced by the activity of radial muscle, whereas as the diameter is decreased when circular muscles act. The image is finally produced on the retina which is made up of several distinct layers, it also possesses receptors for light known as photoreceptors. (SK277 Course Team, 2004, p.63) Before the formation of the image, the light has to pass through the several layers and receptors present in the retina. These photoreceptors can be categorized as rods and cones. Both rods and cons have a distinct function. Data gathered from the rods play a vital role in night vision.These receptors are highly sensitive to the low level of light and are unable to give the details of the object at night. Due to this fact, we can see objects more clearly during daytime as compared to the night. Whereas, cons are responsible for viewing the object during the daytime. The photopigment that is present within rods and cons are capable of absorbing light in them. These pi gments are 125 million in numbers and are made up of a protein known as opsin; they also carry a chemical named as retinene (SK277 Course Team, 2004, p.64) The role of this photoreceptor is to convert the energy generated from the light into biochemical signals via electrical activity which in the end reaches retinal ganglion cells. These cells take the information to the brain for final processing. Now axons present in retinal ganglion cells leads to the production of the optic nerve and optic chiasm, it has overlapping fibers forming optic tract, they end up as a lateral geniculate nucleus in the area of the thalamus. (SK277 Course Team, 2004, p.68) Later, the signals are transferred to the primary visual cortex and secondary visual area. The processing of visual

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Principles of Safeguarding and Protection in Health and Social Care Essay Example for Free

Principles of Safeguarding and Protection in Health and Social Care Essay Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social. Ai; Physical Abuse is when somebody causes feelings of physical pain, injury other suffering or bodily harm, such as hitting, kicking, scratching, pinching, shaking. Sexual Abuse is where you are forced to do, say and watch sexual things. Eg; being undressed or having sexual contact when you do not want to or even touching another person, being made to say sexual things and being made to watch porn is also sexual abuse. Emotional Abuse is a form of power that someone has over you to cause depression, anxiety, stress. It is bullying someone by calling them names that hurts their feeling or to scare them and even threaten them. Financial Abuse is when another person steals or takes something that belongs to you. Eg; stealing your money, making you buy things you are not willing to, refusing to allow individuals to manage their finances and tricking individuals to hand over their property. Institutional Abuse is not only confined to large scale physical or sexual abuse, individuals can also be abused in many other ways in settngs where they could exoect to be cared for and protected. Eg; Individuals not given choice over decisions (meals, outings, clothing.) Mistreated to their medication. Privacy and dignity also not respected. Self-neglect is when an individual neglects to attend to their basic needs. Eg; personal hygiene, appearance, feeding not bothering to obtain medical help or an unwillingness to see people or go out. Neglect by others is when the victim is being looked after by somebody else but fails to provide adequate care. For example failure to provide sufficient supervision, food or medical care, or the failure to fulfil other needs that the victim is unable to provide for herself or himself. see more:explain the importance of an accessible complaints procedure for reducing the likelihood of abuse. Signs and symptoms of abuse. Physical abuse Aii; Bruising Fractures Burns Fear Depression Weight loss Assault Cowering Flinching Welch marks Malnutrition Untreated medical problems Bed sores Confusion Over sedation Emotional abuse:. Fear Depression Confusion Loss of sleep Change in behaviour Onset of phobias No communication Sexual Abuse: Loss of sleep Diseases Repeated urinary infections Bruising Soreness around the genitals Torn, stained bloody underwear or bed sheets Preoccupation with anything sexual Excessive washing Reluctance to be alone with an unknown individual Financial Abuse: Unexplained loss of fundsor withdrawels from bank accounts Inability to pay bills Change in lifestyle/standard of living Basic needs not being met Loss of property Unnecessary building work or repairs to property Not trusting anyone around them Self-neglect: Poor hygiene (smell of urine faeces) Dehydration Weight loss Abnormal body temp Inappropriate clothing Not taking medication Infections Illnesses Institutional abuse: No flexibility at bed time Waking up to a routine Dirty beds and clothing Missing clothing, possessions, documents and letters Excessive or lack of medication Lack of consideration of dietary requirement’s Aiii; If you was to suspect an individual was being abused you should report your concerns to the manager. Also ask to write a private account for your records, making sure it doesnt go in the care plan in case the abuser comes across it. Aiv; If a client was to tell you they are being abused, you should stop what youre doing and listen carefully to them. All conversations should be treated with confidence and information only passed on to those who need to know. Even if the person speaks in the strictest of confidence, line managers must still be informed and the discussion must be written down. Never agree with the client that you wont tell anyone else. Say that youll only tell someone who can do something about it. Av; Make a written record of messages (e.g answer phones) to ensure they are not lost. Include the date and time and sign them. Ensure written records  (notes, letters, bank statements,medication records etc) are kept in a safe place. Do not tidy up, wash clothes, bedding or any other items. Do not try to clear or tidy things up Try not to touch anything un;ess you have to for the immediate wellbeing of the victim- if you have to try make a record of what you have done. If any sexual offence is suspected try to discourage the vicim from washing, drinking, cleaning their teeth or going to the toulet until the police are present. Preserve anything used to warm or comfort the victim (E.g: a blanket). If you can try to ensure that the alleged perpetrator does not have any contact with the victim. Record any physical signs or injuries using a body map or hand drawing write a description of any physical signs or injuries including size, shape colour etc. Always remember to sign and date your notes and any other records you have made. Avi, Avii: No secrets- set out a code of practice of how commissioners and providers of care services should protect vulnerable adults. Criminal records bureau- DBS will filter certain old and minor cautions and convictions, reprimands and warnings from criminal records certificates. DBS- Disclosure and barring service. In safe hands(wales only)- sets out roles and responsibilities of CCIW in relation to other statutory bodies including local authorities who have the lead role in coordinating the development of local policies and procedures in adult protection. Office of the public guardian -agency with responsibilities then extend across England and wales. If supports the public quardian in the registration of enduring powers of attorney and lasting powers of attorney and the supervision of debuties appointed by the court of protection. The code of practice- sets out the criteria against which a registered providers compliance with the requirements relating to cleanliness and infection control will be assessed by the care quality commission. It also provides guidance on how the provider can interpret and meet the registration requirement and comply with the law. Local Partnership boards- committed to preventing the abuse of adults and responding promptly when abuse is suspected. Safeguarding adults means that local authorities, police and NHS agencies involved with adults who might be at risk of abuse have a duty of care to ensure that procedures  are in place, that encourage reporting of suspected abuse, and take action to stop the abuse. Care Quality Organisations (CQC)- registered over 18,000 care homes and publish all inspection reports, which check on the essential standards of quality and safety. Aviii: Social worker- Protect and support vulnerable people, and place them in a safe environment away from risk of danger. A risk assessment is used to decide what help is needed and the correct actions to take. They also investigate any reports. Police- Protect the community, investigate allegations of abuse, prepare court cases and make case reports. Informal agencies or third sector agencies- Research and raise awareness, campains, charities. Offer support (counselling services) Health care practitioners- Perform examinations and report finding relevant authorities . Serious case review chair person- Review serious investigations and/or failures that have previously been investigated and look at what changed need to be made. Aix: Many local Authorities run free, multi-agency, safeguarding courses for anyone who works with vulnerable children and adults, and so should any decent employer in this field. Ask your workplace training department about this. You can also find more information through their local safeguarding team in the Social Services Department or the Independent Safeguarding Authority. Lancashire county council.